Monday, July 13, 2009

New Studio

So I joined the City of Columbia Art Studios today. I got the opportunity to meet some people working in there, and I got to work on my ceramic sculpture again. I gotta say though, it gives off a weird impression at first. The building is surrounded by fences topped with barbed wire, and signs that say you're under camera surveillance, not to mention the surrounding govt. buildings whose parking lots are filled with cop cars. Then the actual art building seems really tiny at first, but once you walk inside, you realize its connected to the building behind it, and thats were the actual studios are. There weren't many people in there working, so I basically had a whole room to myself. It was nice after a semester of only having half a table to work on. So I got started and worked a little bit on another figurative piece. I started out small, and I generally worked the same way I did for my last group of figures, but I think I'm going to spend more time on each figure this time and see where they go. Here's what it looked like by the time I left today.

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