Thursday, July 30, 2009


Kneesmith and I recently met with Bakari of Srsly? Records to work out the details on our latest project. We'll be creating T-shirts for Srsly? and a number of their bands. I'll post pictures later on. As for now, check out Srsly?

Monday, July 27, 2009

Waking Life

I had a crazy dream last night, filled with time travel, a clan of homo habilis conspiring to kill through means of deception and trickery, secret love affairs, and me going to the bank in my underwear. How long and elaborate the dream was reminded about a movie I watched a while back called Waking Life. It's a great movie that inspired me to try a lot of lucid dreaming, and create a lot of art inspired by my dreams. I decided to work on a big project earlier this summer about dreams, but that didn't work out. I just wasn't interested in the project at the time. I'm thinking I might give it another shot, and just take a different spin on it. Here's a clip from that movie.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


PMB Clothing will be attending Concupiscence this Friday (the 17th) to sell our products. It's gonna be ill. A lot of great bands are gonna be there, including:

If we run out of any products while we're there we'll be taking special orders, so you can customize the product anyway you want if you order through our webstore. We'll also be having a drawing for FREE products so if you buy anything from us that night, you'll get your name in the drawing.

Monday, July 13, 2009

New Studio

So I joined the City of Columbia Art Studios today. I got the opportunity to meet some people working in there, and I got to work on my ceramic sculpture again. I gotta say though, it gives off a weird impression at first. The building is surrounded by fences topped with barbed wire, and signs that say you're under camera surveillance, not to mention the surrounding govt. buildings whose parking lots are filled with cop cars. Then the actual art building seems really tiny at first, but once you walk inside, you realize its connected to the building behind it, and thats were the actual studios are. There weren't many people in there working, so I basically had a whole room to myself. It was nice after a semester of only having half a table to work on. So I got started and worked a little bit on another figurative piece. I started out small, and I generally worked the same way I did for my last group of figures, but I think I'm going to spend more time on each figure this time and see where they go. Here's what it looked like by the time I left today.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


For the past week or so, I've been trying to ease up a bit and get the chance to visit friends around the state. It's been great. I got to see a lot of friends in the upstate, and go to John Ott's house down in Rowesville for Funchess Farm Fest. If you've never heard of Rowesville, don't feel bad, even our GPS got confused there.
Speaking of John, John and I are going to be releasing a book sometime in the near future. It's going to be a collection of life lessons from the mind of John Ott, and I'll be doing the Illustrations. So keep a look out for that one. John's tales are definitely not of the ordinary. I've also used this time to try and focus more of my attention again to working in my sketchbook. Above is a page from it.
Tomorrow, I'll be helping teach a ceramics class in downtown Columbia. The class is led by local ceramicist Sonia Neale. Check back again soon for more updates, I've got a lot of things going now.