Sunday, September 6, 2015


Friday Elli and I got off from work and wanted to go out. After being pretty unenthused by the movies that were playing, we looked to see what else was going on downtown. Turns out there was a UT Staff exhibition in their gallery space downtown. We saw some very impressive work.
Eric Cagley's work was probably my personal fav. He collaged thick pieces of cut acrylic to create some incredibly interesting and dimensional compositions.

Tally Locke

Heather Eades 
Jason Tyler

Mike C. Berry
Hannah Shimabukuro

Sarah McFalls

Devin Balara

Turns out it was a whole gallery crawl. We wandered around a bit looking at the art and stumbled into a live jazz show. There was a free couch right up near the front and we got to sit and enjoy the music for a while. There were multiple galleries open with some really interesting people. Unfortunately time didn't allow us to see it all. Guess we will have to go back!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Hello Dolly

Now that I've moved to Knoxville, I've started working for Kaman's again, this time at Dollywood. So far the experience has been great. I've worked three days doing caricatures and two days doing airbrush. My grandparents and parents came down from London while I was working Sunday, and got caricatures done which was a lot of fun. 
Me drawing my grandparents

It had been a while since I had used an airbrush, but thanks to some good training I'm quickly getting back in the groove.

Warm up loops done at the beginning of each day

Free hand Skull T-shirt
It's been very refreshing being in a new place and meeting new people. Thank you so much to everyone that has helped out with the move to Knoxville. Elli and I couldn't have done it alone.