Monday, October 15, 2012

Sample from Upcoming Solo Show

Here's a little taste of what will be in my up coming show. The date isn't set yet, but I'm thinking sometime early 2013. This is only half of the particular piece however, because the other half is audio. Basically I'm creating .raw computer files that can be listened to, or viewed depending on what program you decide to open it in. The aim of the work is to create art you can listen to, and music you can see. The process will be explained much more in depth at the show, and probably after the opening I will post a description of my process and a how-to guide to show others how to do it as well. I would like to see other people play around with this to see what kind of new ideas or innovations could be made to process to make it more successful.

Sketchbook Excerpts

These were all drawn in the last month or two.

Ballpoint Pen Drawing

22"x 30" This was all drawn just off the top of my head. I just let my mind wander on topics like technology and gender, and drew whatever came to mind. Every time I started drawing something new I would try to connect it to the last thing that I drew trying to emulate the way my mind would wander from one thing to the next. I think I got some pretty interesting results.

Towards One Gender

Charcoal on paper