Friday, February 25, 2011



Click image to see the detail.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cardboard Corners

In my three dimensional design class we had to create something out of cardboard to activate the space in the corner of a room. The two other people who were working in the same room as I was Mat Duncan and Fernando Pena. We decided to work together to convert the room into a religious space. This was my contribution to the room. It was constructed fully out of cardboard, and hot glue.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Ain't no stoppin this Loony

Luckily, other people were taking photos at the opening, so I managed to find a few online. Here are some that I found.
Me and Bethany Hall
Yellow Face Painting

Me making my typical picture face.
Collection of Sharpie Drawings

Veronica, Kneesmith, and FernandoRed Face Painting


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I'm starting to love sharpies...

Show at the Loading Dock

Recently I was given the opportunity to show some of my work down at The Loading Dock Gallery here in Rock Hill, SC. I was given a room to show some of my work (mainly a collection of drawings). No Photos from the opening at the moment, but here's a piece from the show.