Sunday, November 21, 2010

Rhino 3D

I've always been pretty interested in different ways to utilize technology in art, so I've always had some sort of interest in trying out some sort of 3D modeling. I've been wanting to do some for a while, but I've always figured it'd be too big of a task for me to take on with all the other things that are keeping me busy. But a couple of weeks ago I decided to go ahead and try to teach myself some of it anyway, and I was suprised how much fun I had with it. Can't wait to do some more. This was created using Rhino 3D. Sorry the video messed up while uploading it, but there are some better quality pictures below as well.

Mr. 105

Recently did this logo for Mr. 105 of 105 Ent.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Everymen/The Royal Tinfoil/ Word of God

Recently designed this flyer for The Courtroom at Gettys. You can find more info on the event here.

Cut Outs

I've been making Cutout Cartoons/Monsters for people. 25 bucks each. If you want one, hit me up. I should be able to get one to you fairly quickly.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Coloring Book

Its been a little while since I got the coloring book that I was in, and I never got around to taking good photos of it, but here are a few quick ones I took to put up here.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Rutledge Boss

Late nights in Rutledge yield interesting results...

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Peep Show

Collaboration with Fernando Pena and Mat Duncan. Available for Purchase at The 5th Annual Winthrop Silent Art Auction, part of Rock Hill's Muse Fest.
Detail #1

Detail #2