Monday, November 30, 2009


Here's an old photogram that I did a couple of years ago in a series about childhood and memories, but I think I might have given the others in the series away. If you've got one I'd like to know so I could document it...

Sunglasses After Dark

I was cleaning out my pictures folder today, and found some stuff I had forgotten about. Thought I'd post them up. They're from Junior year at least.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Photoshop Class

For the last project in our photoshop class we had to style our name. This is what I did:

Friday, November 13, 2009

Weeds Only Grow When We Dislike Them

My dorm room gets incredibly hot now that they turned all of the air units to only go on heat. We keep the window open at all times. I can hear people shouting outside my window at all hours of the night, and bugs come in our room all the time because we don't have a screen. I looked into my lamp one time to find a pile of dead ladybugs. At first, I was really annoyed with the bugs. When one would fly around me I would get angry and be all like, "How dare you fly all up in my space!" Or if a fly would land on me, the small tickling feeling that it would make when it walked around would get on my nerves soo much. But with time I realized how meditating on insects could be a great way to become aware of the way we resist the current moment, and therefore complicate our experience.
The annoyance that occurs from the tickling of an insect isn't the actual tickling thats annoying, it's the story that we attach to it. For example: say you are with a lover, and they begin to tickle you with a feather. The physical sensation that arises is actually incredibly similar to that of a fly, but we think of it as a pleasant experience because it is our lover doing the tickling. We tend to overcomplicate our experiences and therefore lose mindfulness of what is actually really happening in the now.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Illustrator Class

I just finished my Learning Adobe Illustrator class. These are a couple of the projects that I did in the class.