It's been a rough few weeks, with an intense amount of work that's not interesting enough to post up here. In the little amount of free time that I do have, I've been able to make some art, that's slightly more interesting. I've also been able to participate in
The Sketchbook Show put on by the Winthrop
Society of Illustrators. It was a cool, very casual show, where we all made photocopies of pages from our sketchbook, and then hung them up on the walls in the gallery. We basically covered the walls from top to bottom with sketches. Then at the end of the show, they allowed people to take any of the sketches they liked to keep. I didn't get to stay for the end of the show, which was a shame since I had my eye on that sketch of xzibit...

Any way, here's a picture that I managed to find of some of my work in the show. I didn't manage to think about taking any while I was there. I've got a few more things to post, but there's just no documentation yet. So don't get your panties in a wad, they'll be up soon enough. It won't be another month, promise.