Sunday, May 24, 2009

Final Drawing Project

Here's the final drawing project I did for drawing class. The biggest figures of second two are based off of Egon Schiele drawings. Here's how they came out:

Celebration of Achievement

A few weeks ago I was asked to do an illustration for the cover of the program for The SCGSAH Celebration of Achievement. Here's how it came out.  The graphic design for the program was done by Emerald Persall.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


So I know it's been a couple of weeks since the last post, even though I said I would try to post once a week, but that's only because big things are on the way. The last couple of weeks at SCGSAH were great, with a large and unexpected demand for our shirts. Here's Cat and Sammi sporting theirs at the senior dance:

Also we worked with Anna Jane to complete our first dress, which was made from an XL t-shirt:
Very soon we should be spanning out into more products, and get our website up, so make sure to keep posted for more info.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Bodies in the Basement

I had to post a few pictures from Bodies in the Basement back from the second of May. Thanks to all those who were able to show up and make it a great time. There was music by MC JT, Kymbuctu, Tiny Overheated Chihuahuas, Leather Juice, and art by The Pre-Monstrealist Brotherhood. Monster Shirts were on sale, and we're still taking orders (just send me an email for info.)
Specials Thanks to Third Hand Smoke, for providing the images. Check out the blog at for additional coverage of "Bodies in the Basement" and more.

Ceramics Concentration

Here it is! A small taste of what I've been slaving over, hidden away in the ceramics studio all semester.  Documentation of some of my work from senior concentration in figurative ceramics.  Thanks to my mentors Sharon Campbell and Alice Ballard for all their help.  Be sure to be on the lookout for the final piece in this post in the student show at the Lipscomb Gallery opening tomorrow from 3-5 pm.

Friday, May 8, 2009


Hey for all of you who wanna keep posted on what I'm doing, I'm gonna try and update this blog at least once a week.  I've got a new website too dedicated to my illustration work.  You can check it out by clicking the image above.